Hofi Lightning Arrestors
Hofi-Technik, GmbH and Company - Premium Coaxial Surge Arrestors

Model 7756, a MIL specification arrestor

Models for Commercial and Amateur Radio Installations
Do you want to buy the best Lightning arrestors made?
We are proud to introduce to you an arrestor that meets and or exceeds all US standards for Lightning arrestors. And they produce Military Specification units as well. German Engineering to the most demanding degree. The Hofi-Technik, GmbH & Company is known for it's quality. We are bringing this technology to the North American Market.
Specifications are in this document, we apologize it is German but you will be able to recognize the specifications: http://www.arraysolutions.com/images/1_Ueberspannungsableiter.pdf
Temperature range: -40ºC to +100ºC (-40ºF to +212ºF)
Temperature-shock: MIL-Standard-202, Method 107 F, Condition B
Vibration: MIL-Standard-202, Method 204 F, Condition D
Material: Exterior: CuZn 39Pb3. Interior: CuBe2. Insulator: PTFE. Seal: NBR
External Surface: Ni, Ag.
GDT Voltage Rating: 90, 150, 230, 350, 470, 600, 800, 1000, 1400 V
Current Rating: 5, 10, 20 kA (8 µs)
Models and Ratings
LP1103-2800 F-F ground lug SO239 3600 W
LP1104-2800 F-F Bulkhead SO239 3600 W
LP2201-2800* M-F ground lug type-N 3600 W
LP2203-2800 F-F ground lug type-N 3600 W
LP2204-2800 F-F Bulkhead type-N 3600 W
LP2251-5312 M-F Bulkhead type-N Mil Spec 5625 W
LP7756.5402 7/16DIN F-F Bulkhead Mil Spec 10 kW +
The new LP1101-2800 (PL259/SO-239) and LP2201-2800 / LP2251-5312 (N-type) Male to Female arrestors are ultra-easy to install at the end of your existing coaxial cable. No jumpers needed - just install the arrestor, add a grounding conductor and you're finished!
Gas Discharge Tube Replacements:
UA0600.37 for 6.4 kW units, rating 600 V
UA0800.28 for 10 kW units, rating 800 V

Return Loss (S11) Plot.